Nordplus (SKISS) workshop at Myndlistaskólinn á Akureyri in October 2012 with six participating art educations gathering for one week in Akureyri around the topic of Water.
A very interesting week indeed.
Below some images of my work at the final show. The work is very much a crude sketch and it needs several days or weeks before the idea takes formal shape.
Salt water is slowly dripping on the Icelandic 1-krona on top of the buoy. The waterdrop breaks into several smaller drops that falls on the surrounding collage which is a mix of images of whaling and Icelandic postcards. The evaporating waterdrops leaves crystalized salt on top of the images and slowly makes them disappear.
The installation was only up for one day and there was only time for smaller spots of salt to appear.
Wow! Intressant idé. Synd att verket inte kunde vara uppe längre. Det hade varit fint att se hur bilderna förstörs bit för bit...
SvaraRaderaFörloppet av tid som långsamt äter sig in i material, för att så småningom ta över, känns nästan melankoliskt. Som ett slags memento mori.
(Först trodde jag bojen var en frukt. :) Men vacker är den hur som helst.)